
Gillian Hayman

Gillian is an independent consultant who specialises in natural resource management, agricultural extension, facilitation, project management and community engagement. We are currently collaborating on partnership and evaluation projects in Victoria.

Whitewater Consultancy

Whitewater Consultancy is focused on improving the health of waterways and wellbeing of communities.  We are currently collaborating on evaluation and waterway health projects in Victoria.

Natural Decisions

Natural Decisions is a small independent company providing professional services to address real-world environmental decision-making problems in a creative and participatory way. Natural Decisions offers a complementary skill set to the Blue Sense team and we are currently collaborating with them on a range of projects.

Coastal Planning

Coastal Planning specialises in strategic and statutory land use planning, advocacy, planning and environment VCAT appeals, and general planning advice. Coastal Planning and Blue Sense bring together knowledge on consultation, natural resource management and planning matters. We are currently collaborating on coastal planning projects in Victoria.

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